Wednesday 25 July 2012

An Olympic Movement

Still listening to garbage being spouted by people who deem the Olympics a waste of time and money. First Olympics to come in on time and on budget is evidently not good enough for these naysayers.

Far more importantly I am yet to hear a single world of practical and sanguine criticism from a Londoner (cousin excepted - he has to deal with a heliport on his head (literally)). 

Listen this gig has been on us for years. If you didn't know that London was coming to a standstill then I cannot help you. If you are a Londoner and are surprised, well holy sh*t! Its here and that is that, two weeks to prove what we already know......the greatest city in the world.

If you don't live in London your opinion is taken with a city, our city, the world's watching. Party here, party there.

I will be be happy to discuss with any non-londoner who wants to express their opinions.

1 comment:

  1. That's a better photo - although I am sure your ears are growing!

