Wednesday 1 August 2012

Olympic highlights

So have done the beach volleyball in Horse Guards Parade. Even with a vast British crowd and no Brits to cheer on it was a complete riot. The behaviour of the crowd was encouraged by the organisers to be as boisterous as possible, although I have a sneaking suspicion that the fact that you are allowed to take alcohol to your seat kind of helped (the guys in front of us gave up all pretence and just bought a case of Heineken from the bar!). The blaring music and commentator only helped to whip up the crowd. To top it off voice-over man of Britain Peter Dickson (BGT, X Factor etc) had a comedy voice-over role in the time outs. Surreal. A truly brilliant evening that finished well past midnight, not sure if Horse Guard's neighbour Dave Cameron was at No 10 but I suspect he will be quite pleased when this particular Olympic event is done.....

Loved watching the road race coming over Putney Bridge on Sunday if not the deluge we experienced 30 minutes before they rushed past in about 3 seconds. A friend who was with us, who putting it mildly does not share my Olympic passion (they went on holiday to Mauritius to escape on Monday) declared that she was getting "quite excited" about 5 minutes before the cyclists appeared, which in my book is a huge result and reflects that even the most disinterested of Brits are finding it quite difficult not to get swept up a little bit in the fervour.

So next up is the icing on the cake for me personally. Friday morning I will be in the Olympic Stadium and watching my heroine in the first two events of the heptathlon. I am sure that Jess will make us proud. My heart is fluttering already.

Brilliant performance by Heather Stanning and Heather Glover this morning. Yet again I am left speechless by Bradley Wiggins. An absolute god.

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