Wednesday 25 July 2012

Heroes and Legends

OK this is a subject that requires a pause and then full throttle address. I have been upsetting the ignoramus of society for a little bit of time on this one. So here goes....

Sir Steve Redgrave is a legend. Daley is a hero.

Kelly Holmes is a hero, Sally Gunnell is a legend.

Chris Hoy is a legend, Chris Boardman is a hero.

Here you go: Legends are people we wish to be. Heroes are the people we want to be, the people we love and the people that we want to spend our time with. Not always perfect (Botham and Daley!) but they are our dreams. I have never tried to emulate a legend, I am always trying to emulate my heroes.........

Latest tweet from georgiembprice should be ignored....

Bring on the heroes! Bring on the Legends. Jess will be the first who can become both a legend and a hero......

Well done GB Womens team.....

Roger, dodger, go Jess..........

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry Pricey you are wrong with one thing Kelly Holmes is a legend. Look again at the 800m Gold, last place through 400m then perfectly timed to win through pace. Two gold medals in middle distance at one Olympics = legend. SGG
