Tuesday 17 July 2012

New design after some rather less than complimentary feedback about the last one. Personally I think this new photo looks like I am sweating rather too much and had a hard night on the tiles (which actually is an accurate reflection), however a certain individual says it is more flattering. Hey ho what do I know? (almost the beginning of a Ramones classic there). And yes I have tried to reduce the size but as yet have had no frikking offers from web designers as to how to make this look better. It's me here, so don't expect miracles, I am still getting over the fact that still art will never be my metier.

Also pointed out by a teetotaller that I had miss-spelt one of my favourite bands in my profile, nigh on inexcusable but I had had a drink when I was doing it!

Have "a heroes and legends" sporting theme bubbling up. Just either looking for the time or more likely the requisite quantity of vin blanc et rouge to get it properly formulated. Equally something on the Tour de France, so if the multitude out there has a preference as to which comes first then let me know. I will almost certainly do the other.....

Made the mistake of divulging my thoughts as posted earlier about the Wimbledon "audiences" to some sporting journalists yesterday, they all appeared to have missed this simple observation but nodded in a fiendish manner ("hey got an article here...!") when I stopped spouting, so if you see any articles espousing my views, please let me know. A good lawyer is worth their salt when it comes to plagiarism.

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