Thursday 31 May 2012

A long, long time ago....

Well there you go. 10.15 on a Thursday night (tempted, very tempted to plagiarise and/or paraphrase The Cure's famous line...) and I am no longer a wine merchant. Not really sure if I should feel sad or optimistic?  I left the office, having handed over my keys, and walked across the road to the very conveniently located pub. An ex-colleague thrust a pint in my hand and I spent three hours catching up with old colleagues and local friends, more pints were consumed, obviously.

Not really sure what to add to this, feel a bit weird, so here's a picture of the office of the business that consumed the last 8 and a bit years of my life.

Thanks to all those of you who have been part of the last 29 years, some will be part of the next chapter I am sure. It was a blast most of the time.

Off to sit in the kitchen sink (if you don't get it google The Cure) though hoping the telephone won't ring.

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