Wednesday 2 May 2012

Balanced reporting?

Surely I am not the only person who has found the BBC's gloating over Murdoch's public wrist slapping by a completely unimpartial group of MPs, who cannot even agree on the conclusions of this exhaustive publicly funded witch hunt, distinctly seedy? Barack Obama's key note speech on the future of Afghanistan? Second rate news, whilst Auntie lambasts and ridicules Murdoch.....European implosion of fiscal and financial stability? No, no! Let's gets Rupert. A new French President come Sunday? Who are you kidding?  We've got News Corp to shoot at! Maybe someone should remind them that no one died over phone hacking. The appalling behaviour specifically related to Milly Dowler is utterly reprehensible but please let's have some perspective and balanced reporting dear old Auntie, you are, after all, not without faults....

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