Thursday 17 May 2012

Books and covers

Life is weird. Kid gets on the bus earlier; full of testosterone, angst and noisy bins.  He's maybe 15 or 16 and to a middle aged tubby like me a bit scary (potentially), so I ignore.  Trouble is I have had a three bottle lunch with shock and ORR and I get a fraction lairy. First option is a hunched neck which gets me a dagger stare back. Give it another 2 minutes (well this is a fricking teenager), then I give a real dagger back. He looks a mite uncomfortable and drops decibels by like 20% (sorry people less than 45 read this drivel too, so modern colloquial parlance is en vogue - those of you less than 45 may take a moment...), so I ignore.  Three minutes later "thing" has turned it back up and the third bottle and second brandy has taken effect, I look back and stare, he looks back with distain and I glare.......ding ding ding ding ding Ruddy hell!!!!! I have sent his walkman (yeh I know its not called that now, but hell!) to a quiet carriage. I spend the remaining 15 minutes of the journey looking hard, whilst pretending not to be concerned. I get off bus at requisite stop and nod at him on the way down the stairs.
Its only on the way down the road that it dawns on me that the poor fuc**r was more scared of me than I was of him. Tribal, methinks.......

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