Friday 8 June 2012

Friends and Rivals

Ruddy hell! Well done ITV they've only gone and got Keano and Viera sitting next to each other, hell's teeth that's like getting Maggie and Kinnock cosying on the sofa circa 1988.

Desperately hoping that there is some sort of set to in this first game that leads them to renew acquaintances properly at full and/or half time. Imagine the disaproval emanting from the offices of Associated Newspapers.

So let's hope we are not about to set off on the Euro journey that involves a whole load of disparate nations trying to prove their worth, before the Germans get everyone to kowtow to them by lifting a trophy.....yeh, yeh that is EXACTLY what is going to happen (mixed metaphors but plus ca change!).

Finally, a footballer that I loved watching play the game in the Eighties and had admired greatly has, like so many others, become a victim of his own self importance. Michel Platini is in danger of believing his own verbage, which makes him a step away from Splatter (yep, I know). European football needs better, we do not need to plumb the depths that Sepp has set.

Come on anyone who can play football, and that's unlikely (sadly) to be Ingerlaaaand

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