Friday 29 June 2012

Any idea what sport is?

God! Wimbledon really is the nadir of sports events, two weeks of screeching middle aged women (don't accuse me of being sexist, just look at the audience - YES AN AUDIENCE, NOT A CROWD) who frankly have no idea what a foot fault is or whether it requires callipers to resolve the issue, hooting and hollering about players whose names they vaguely recognise and GENUINELY getting excited about the result.

The oohs and ahhhs are truly embarrassing. 

Let's hope that all the favourites lose and they have nothing to cheer for, at least until next year.......please, please, please......yeh, like that is going to happen! 

1 comment:

  1. Older & Grumpier10 July 2012 at 16:02

    You are not nearly as vitriolic as you should be. Spice up your comments and do not hold back. Say what you really mean!
