Sunday 22 April 2012

Mid Life Crisis?

I have had what my wife Kate describes as a mid-life crisis. After almost 29 years as a wine merchant I decided about 6 months ago that I did not want to do it anymore, so from the end of May 2012 I will no longer be one of the owners of Genesis Wines, which has taken up more of my time over the last 8 years than is probably healthy.

I guess, therefore, that this blog is further confirmation of my MLC. I am thankful that I haven't been found lurking outside the Harley shop in Chelsea, or been seen eying up leather jackets. I have however downloaded a piece of software this morning that apparently will enable me to make this site all singing and dancing and gleaming and will encourage millions of people to come and look at these pages and ultimately for the site to have 100s of ads and me paid thousands of pounds weekly. Sadly I have not the faintest idea how to use said software...

The purpose of this blog is to give me a platform to rant on a regular basis. I appear to be susceptible to letting off steam about pretty much anything, so someone is likely to light the touch paper at some stage and I will be off.

1 comment:

  1. Marve old chap, look forward to hearing your muses on the insanity of modern day life and other things. Rich
